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Eric Brown, President, Artisan Homes, series of (3 of 7) motion shots

Pure Energy
Eric Brown, President, Artisan Homes
series of (3 of 7) motion shots
Phoenix, AZ ~ 2:18-2:21 PM on 10.3.2007

Melissa Goldweitz, Senior Graphic Designer at Builder wanted a lead photo to illustrate a story titled "One Door Closes, Another Opens" written by John Caulfield for the November 2007 issue, so we photographed Eric Brown, President of Artisan Homes for the same issue and used him as the model for this series of motion shots.

I had Eric come through the doorway, as I shot a variety of shutter speeds while zooming the lens to capture different amounts of blur vs. sharpness in the motion. It's amazing how different the same image can look depending on the shutter speed and how quickly the lens is zoomed during the exposure. Many thanks to Eric for walking through the doorway about 30 times to get the right image.

As I was prepping the 7 images that I liked, I decided to name each of them each based on how I felt about the image, so this one is called "Pure Energy" as it kind of reminds me of Pure Energy.

Photo titled: The Movie will begin in 5 Minutes, Eric Brown, President, Artisan Homes, series of (3 of 7) motion shots

"The Movie will begin in 5 Minutes"

Photo titled: Sci-Fi Man, Eric Brown, President, Artisan Homes, series of (3 of 7) motion shots

"Sci-Fi Man"

  The others I named things like: "Bustin Out," "Walk This Way, Through these doors awaits your new life," "Run For Your Lives," and "The Evangelist."

Each was different but similar. I like all of them but present these three for your viewing pleasure.
"Pure Energy"
Lighting: Available light
Exposure: 1/4 sec @ f/5
Nikon 17-55mm lens (at 23 mm)
Photoshop: minimal
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